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The 9th Shenzhen International Industrial Design Exhibition

On December 1, the 2021 Ninth Shenzhen International Industrial Design Exhibition was launched at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center. The exhibition focused on displaying more than 6,000 design boutiques from 32 countries and regions. Kimtigo Zhanhu Z3 memory module appeared in the design exhibition because of its unique appearance design.

2021 Ninth Shenzhen International Industrial Design Exhibition was launched

At the display site of the Zhanhu Z3 memory, many visitors came to watch the exhibition, and the designer explained the design concept of the product in detail to the guests.

It is understood that the shape of Zhanhu Z3 is inspired by "outer space x earth" and "integrated new species". The material is made of liquid metal (mercury), which is rigid yet soft and delicate to the touch, escorting the super high-speed performance; the lighting effect is inspired by the "halo of the sun", which is intended to be the source of energy of the Milky Way, and release the strongest performance to the fullest.

Kimtigo Zhanhu Z3 memory module

Kimtigo Zhanhu Z3 memory module

Zhanhu Z3 is a high-end memory product launched by Kimtigo in July this year. It is also the first RGB light-effect memory product of Zhanhu series. Ring-shaped cool lighting effects, which can realize streamer, breathing, marquee and other lighting effects synchronously through the motherboard, is the gospel of e-sports players and professional enthusiasts.

Kimtigo Zhanhu Z3 memory module

High performance + simple and stylish appearance, the whole product looks simple and technologically fashionable, which can be called the perfect fusion of technology and art. Stylish appearance, gorgeous RGB light perception, coupled with the sturdy performance brought by the original high-frequency particles, Zhanhu Z3 has been sought after by the market since its launch, and it is an ideal choice for high-end users such as e-sports players.

Kimtigo Zhanhu Z3 memory module

In fact, when Kimtigo upgraded its brand this year, it created three product series, Zhanhu, Speedhu, and Panhu, targeting at C-end consumer groups, and designed the appearance of each product according to the characteristics of the products and market positioning. Unique and full of warmth, the product is more "excellent", so as to give consumers a better experience.

It is also known that this exhibition will be held in the form of "online + offline", with the theme of "New Habitat - Design Reshaping the Ecological Force". The exhibition will last until December 3. Users who follow Kimtigo can go to Visit the Yichen booth in Hall 2 of Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center.

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